Top 25 Users

As they have shown excellence in your picks this year, Members listed on this page have been promoted to the rank of Sergeant and are now part of Pick Army's Special Forces. See below for their insight.

1. JC-2946 (.645)
2. IN-7691 (.600)
3. JS-2563 (.594)
4. AT-7305 (.583)
5. MD-6092 (.579)
6. JB-3772 (.579)
7. SI-1831 (.576)
8. DB-7347 (.563)
9. EC-3793 (.561)
10. MW-2213 (.560)

11. TC-2297 (.550)
12. CM-1284 (.550)
13. EC-6562 (.548)
14. MN-7363 (.545)
15. DC-6363 (.545)
16. MC-4214 (.540)
17. EC-8596 (.537)
18. CC-6429 (.536)
19. GW-7136 (.530)
20. SW-9034 (.529)

21. JB-3980 (.529)
22. BB-8929 (.529)
23. TC-6488 (.525)
24. RL-2727 (.522)
25. JJ-3504 (.522)

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Top Ten Users

  1. JC-2946 (.645)
  2. IN-7691 (.600)
  3. JS-2563 (.594)
  4. AT-7305 (.583)
  5. MD-6092 (.579)
  6. JB-3772 (.579)
  7. SI-1831 (.576)
  8. DB-7347 (.563)
  9. EC-3793 (.561)
  10. MW-2213 (.560)
See Top 25 Users

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