About Pick Army

Pick Army is a revolution in sports social media. Its goal is to enable its users to harness the wisdom of their network in regard to sports by creating an online environment that encourages them to form online groups or “armies”. Capturing the individual insight of each member, the site mines for consensus within armies, then shows its members the collective conclusions created by its base. Users win (and lose) as a team. In the end, some members may find that they can outsmart the herd... but most will realize how much sharper their decision-making can be when they consider wide amounts of diverse opinions.

Because Pick Army is for entertainment purposes only, its members can be participatory in sports gaming without any risk and, in addition, prove that diversity of thought and opinion yields more accurate predictions than any individual could offer.

Because Pick Army’s unique approach to sports analysis shares a similar foundation to military structure, a partnership with a veteran’s charity is an obvious, organic choice. We are thrilled that our users, through engaging the site daily or weekly, will be helping incredible charities like the Navy SEAL Foundation, AMVETS, and the Armed Services Arts Partnership.

Within two years, we aim to have it be unthinkable to start watching a sporting event without first checking Pick Army to see what your network is thinking and how amazingly wise crowds can be.

Sure, its fun to win. But you know what’s better? To win as a TEAM!

Welcome to Pick Army. Thanks for being a part of our efforts.

Talk to us: info@pickarmy.com


PICK ARMY, SERGEANT, COMMANDER, and SPECIAL FORCES are service marks of Sports Wagering Analytics, Inc., which provides the following services under the marks: Entertainment services in the nature of fantasy sports leagues; Gaming services in the nature of organizing, conducting and operating tournaments, contests and games of skill relating to predicting the outcomes of sporting events and the performance of players in said sporting events; Providing information relating to sports and sporting events; Providing information, news and commentary in the field of current events relating to sports, sports gambling, sports fantasy leagues, games of skill relating to sporting events and sports, and handicapping for sporting events; Providing a website featuring entertainment information in the field(s) of sports, sports gambling, sports fantasy leagues, games of skill relating to sporting events and sports, and handicapping for sporting events; and Online social networking services in the field of sports gambling, sports fantasy leagues, games of skill relating to sporting events and sports, and handicapping for sporting events.

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  1. JC-2946 (.645)
  2. IN-7691 (.600)
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  5. MD-6092 (.579)
  6. JB-3772 (.579)
  7. SI-1831 (.576)
  8. DB-7347 (.563)
  9. EC-3793 (.561)
  10. MW-2213 (.560)
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