What Is Pick Army?

Leverage the Knowledge of Your Friends and Colleagues for Bragging Rights and to Win Money Pick Army uses the strength of numbers, the collective wisdom of crowds, and the power of cooperation to generate the best NFL bets for the coming week. It is a free, fun, and engaging social media experience that has real world benefits for you.

How Does It Work?

The process is simple:

  1. Sign up for your free account and join your Company.
  2. Each week enter your four best picks and your best bet.
  3. Our system analyzes picks site-wide, then you can access your Company and site-wide picks for use in conversation, office pools, or to place real world bets.
  4. Wash, Rinse, Repeat.

After each week, users receive a report on how each individual, company, and site-wide Army did the previous week. This season Pick Army has been extremely profitable, posting a winning percentage above 60%.

Pick Army Benefits Veterans

In addition to sports betting, Pick Army benefits the US Veterans Charities AMVETS, the Navy Seal Foundation, and the Armed Services Arts Partnership. Your participation in this platform will benefit service men and women nation-wide.

Free, Easy, and Valuable

For everyone from the casual fan to the office pool participant to the passionate sports betting enthusiast, Pick Army is an online community that makes it fast, easy, and fun to see what others are thinking about the week’s coming games. A small amount of your time grants you access to an ocean of information.

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Pick Army makes it fast and easy to see what others are thinking about upcoming contests. Joining is free and we have partnered with some great military charities that you are helping just by participating. Sign-up is quick and easy so let's move out!

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Top Ten Users

  1. JC-2946 (.645)
  2. IN-7691 (.600)
  3. JS-2563 (.594)
  4. AT-7305 (.583)
  5. MD-6092 (.579)
  6. JB-3772 (.579)
  7. SI-1831 (.576)
  8. DB-7347 (.563)
  9. EC-3793 (.561)
  10. MW-2213 (.560)
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